28 February 2012

EmbedAnything.com - Earn Money by Sharing Images and Posts

If you are working hard on your blog posts, you notice that your posts and images are reposted partially or completely by your fans. This is neither bad, nor good by itself. It all depends on your perception. However, EmbedAnything way may be far more attractive from several perspectives. Using simple integration with the site offered options, you will let your visitors embed your content in their websites rather than just take it by copying. Here are just few advantages:
  • Embedded content comes with a link back to original post helping to build SEO and traffic.
  • Embedded content is invisible to search engines.
  • Ad space, contained within each embed, lets you monetize embedded content – you get 50% of the profit generated from ad exposure.
  • You get full report and control over which sites your content has been embedded.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

How it works?

  1. Register account on EmbedEverythin.com. Registration is fast and painless.
  2. For posts integration, drop a small piece of code inside your website’s template and you’re good to go. Simple integration is invisible to your readers until they try to copy your content. The Embed Article widget window will activate whenever more than 10 words are highlighted and there is a copy command. For more advanced users, there is an option to place one of Embed Article buttons on your website to encourage use.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  1. For images integration, drop our small piece of code inside your website’s template and you’re good to go as well. This will make the Embed Image button appear in the top left corner of your images whenever they are moused-over. The Embed Image widget window will activate whenever the button is clicked.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  1. For Wordpress blogs, there are special widgets, which will help blog owners to integrate even faster.

Service is free for publishers, as part of the ads revenue is going back to the developers.

23 February 2012

Radionomy - Listen online radios or create your own

The concept of the Internet Radio is not a new one. However, it is gaining more and more popularity as rate of Internet access, computerization, and amount of the smart phones is steadily rising. Free services, offered by Radionomy, allow everyone to create his own radio station on the Net!

Why it can be useful:
  • Have the carefully selected music clips accessible from anywhere anytime.
  • Ability to share your favorite tracks with your friends, and anybody who loves what you love.
  • Get revenue share from the advertising on the web site.
 Image and video hosting by TinyPic

You do not need to be music or computer professional to have your own radio. Station creation is easy as 1-2-3. You can build it by browsing through the site own vast music and content libraries or by loading your own audio content, sequences, reportages.

Free of charge, Radionomy broadcasts these radios around the world and bears all the costs including copyrights due to a moderate broadcast of advertising over the radios.

Radionomy is now the biggest webradio network in Europe, with more than 3000 internet radio stations spreading over all kinds of music genres and cultures. The name Radionomy comes from two concepts: Radio + Autonomy.

You wonder how the visitors of the Radionomy website will be able to listen your Radio Station. First of all, by connecting directly to the radio address. Through the Radionomy.com website, listening will be made simply by way of a friendly flash player accessible everywhere on the website and made part of each personal page of the radios created. No download is necessary!

Radionomy will also offer listeners an opportunity download an advanced player that will offer additional functions that are quite useful. You will be able to, if you so wish, via a special link, offer your listeners the possibility of downloading this player, after having tailored it to your colors and preferences.

For the ultimate listening power of radios, all the players on the market are compatible and can be used to listen to your available radios, without having to connect to the Radionomy.com website. All the players on the market can be used such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Winamp, RealPlayer, VLC, Quicktime, etc.

So, want to try? Just visit http://www.radionomy.com/en and create a new account.  

10 February 2012

xPollinate - Windows Live Writer Cross Post Plugin

If you are using one of the best desktop publishing utilities Windows Live Writer to edit your blog posts, this plugin might be just for you. It might save significant time on spreading your posts on multiple platforms and on social networks.

xPollinate is a Open Source Windows Live Writer plugin enables you to cross post your blog entries to other blogs, as well as social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook via Ping.FM. You can use the plugin to reach more audiences with no extra time spent, or even to create backups of your blog posts for safety.

With xPollinate, you can cross post full or summarized versions of your entries to any other blogs you have configured in Live Writer. You can also use it to post announcements and full or summarized blog posts to your favorite social networking services such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc via Ping.FM.

The Blogs tab contains settings to post to other Live Writer blogs:

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The Ping.FM tab contains settings to post to social networking sites:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Main Features:
1. Cross post to multiple blogs at the same time
2. Choose blogs to post to at cross post time
3. Set plugin defaults through the options dialog, and override at posting time.
4. Ability to turn comments and trackbacks (pings) on/off at the cross posted blog
5. Add header or footer html to each cross posted entry
6. Cross post to Ping.FM
7. Supports triggers and services
8. Post using blog, microblog, or status methods, simultaneously or individually

System prerequisite requirements:
* Windows Live Writer
* NET Framework.

Developers’ site: http://xpollinate.codeplex.com/


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