03 September 2013

Online Broken Link Checker

In the previous post, we presented Xenu Links Sleuth – free utility, helping to detect dead and broken links in your websites for proper maintenance. While the software is portable, free, and easy to use, I got request to recommend similar online service, which may serve the same purpose, with no need for dedicated software.

There are several sites, offering such functionality, but one of the best is Online Broken Link Checker, we will present today.

The main features:
* Scans webpages for bad hyperlinks.
* Checks both internal (local) and external (outbound) URLs and finds which are stale.
* Reports dead link's location in your HTML code.
* Validates websites online: the same way as how your users and Search Engines see those.
* Detects "linkrot" and other problems of web site integrity.
* Supports sub-domains.
* Works online so can be used on Mac OSX, iOS, Linux, Windows, Android and any other OS.
* Shows 404 errors and other unsuccessful HTTP response codes - for each dead or problematic hyperlink.
* No need for online registration, login, or authorization, except for captcha – code you enter to confirm you are a live person, and not a robot.
* Unlimited amount of website to examine.
* The free service limitation is 3000 links cap per site, which is still making the service extremely useful.
* Fast and smooth operation.


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