What can you use
the app for?
Spur wraps up a number of ways of testing your
design into one neat web app. Enter your URL in the box, wait a while and you
get a snapshot of your page with a number of buttons so you can check out
whether your design still works in unusual transformations.
The service is free, fast, and does not require
registration and login.
Mirror Tool
Mirroring a design can point out areas of misalignment
and hierarchy.
Here are some examples:
* Mirroring the main page of the blog reveals that many
of the initial design choices in the redesign have been broken apart by visuals
that add to chaos of the page.
* Multi-colored ads coupled with Facebook widgets
contribute to the busyness of the page. The mirror helps to highlight how
disconnected all the elements on the page feel.
* There is no carousel in the redesign. While the
carousel drives more clicks, the mirror of the page reveals that it also adds
busyness to the page.
* Images that are not balanced well with the surrounding
copy become even more unbalanced when mirrored.
Rotate Tool
The rotate tool is great for making it easier to see page
weight and balance of elements.
Here are some examples:
* Turning the screenshot to the left reveals that the
weight of the page is top aligned– readers have an anchor on the page to lead
their eyes down the other links.
* Boxed in content creates an unnecessary design element between
columns and rows.
* Looking at links sideways show us just how dense this
page is with clickable content. In some areas this is welcome, but in other
areas it exposes "content cramming" on the homepage.
50% Zoom Tool
Use the zoom tool to look at your site as a smaller
thumbnail. Does the layout hold up? The best websites still get the story
across at a small size.
Here are some examples:
* The main image is still sharp and crisp at this size,
which gets the point across that this is a photo website.
* The main headline gets a little lost, but the paired
call to action still pops against the image.
* The rest of the copy is blurred, but the three
headlines are still legible, letting users know that the site is all about
uploading, discovering and sharing.