What is Alexa
Alexa.com defines themselves as a “web information
company“. They rank every website and blog based on their traffic and some
other factors. This Alexa Rank is updated daily. Lesser the number your site
has – better for you.
These rankings
are generally consistent with the amount of traffic they have. However, Alexa
rankings change every week depending on the variation of visitors visiting a
website. You can click here to find
the latest Alexa ranking for the Top websites in the Internet.
What is the rating
While Alexa ranking is based on page views and sites popularity,
its algorithm only counts only the hits, which were processed through their
systems. Most of the advisers will claim that the system records only the
traffic from users who have the Alexa toolbar installed on their browsers, not
taking in account any non-certified hits. That is not exactly the case. Alexa’s
measurement panel is based on a very large and diverse set of browser
extensions and plug-ins. The Alexa Toolbar is just one of many browser
extensions that include Alexa data. And, for sites that have installed the
Alexa Certify code, Alexa directly measures traffic from all visitors to the
website whether or not they have a browser extension installed.
How to Improve
Alexa Rating?
Install the Alexa
Tool Bar
While Alexa Tool Bar is not the only way to get yourself
noticed, it represents one of the most popular and well-known approaches.
Therefore, Download the Alexa toolbar and use it every day to visit your own
website. Alexa even gives you the ability to co-brand the toolbar with your own
logo and give it away. You can also tell your friends and family members to
download the toolbar and use it regularly. You will be amazed at how fast your
rank will drop just by implementing this one, simple tip.
You can download
the toolbar here: http://www.alexa.com/toolbar
Comment on Other
While the average blogger does not know, and does not
care, about the Alexa rank, many professional bloggers are targeting their site
rating position improvement in Alexa, installing the toolbars on their
computers. If you leave quality comments on multiple blogs in your niche, there
are good chances they will come back to your blog and return the favor.
Engage your
Encourage your
website visitors to add their positive testimonials (comments and reviews) on
Alexa’s detailed listings page for your website. This can be done by placing a
link to the appropriate Alexa page on your website and asking visitors to “Click
here to rate this website”.
Well this is a
selective recommendation, and it is not for everyone.
Use Alexa Widgets
Download the
Alexa ranking button, traffic history graph, info links, and other traffic
counters onto the page of your website that receives the most traffic. You can
do this by visiting here.
Everything Else
All other activities you are planning to increase your
blog exposure, improve content, or enhance your social media penetration, will
also be helpful for your Alexa ranking improvement, so continue doing (both
non-SEO and SEO) steps to make your beautiful website with smart content
visible to more people, and Alexa ranking will reflect this success.
Sources and
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